The Schoolwide Enrichment Model (SEM) is a framework developed by renowned educational researchers at the University of Connecticut, Sally Reis & Joseph Renzulli. The framework helps schools develop a blueprint for providing systematic enrichment opportunities for all students, not just those in advanced or gifted classes. At MPE, our SEM framework includes
hands-on science and social studies projects, designated grade-level field trips and science labs to support the state science standards. Schoolwide experiences like the Science Machine, cultural arts performances, and authors visits also fall into the SEM framework. SEM at MPE is only possible thanks to our incredible PTA! Your donations support the costs of nearly all SEM experiences. Our Science Lab offers the perfect opportunity for parents to come in and work with their children’s classes.
Activities Listed by Grade
Listed by grade level are some of the opportunities Mountain Park Elementary has to offer our students.
Silly Story Ladies
Build My Community
Texture Walk
Marigold Dissection
Becoming a Scientist–Intro To Science Experiments
Thanksgiving Friendship Feast
Veteran’s Day Celebration–interview with real veterans
Party Animals On Site Field Trip
Art Barn Field Trip
Nutcracker Performance
Nature Walk-Hike To Leita Thompson
Rocks/Soil Science Lab
Motion Science Lab
Day/Night Science Lab
Rain Cloud In A Jar
Solid, Liquid, Gas Root Beer Floats
3D Maps & Globes
Thomas Jefferson Chick Fil A
Meteorologist Visit
Zoo Atlanta Field Trip
Theater Field Trip
Light & Shadow Science Lab
Sound Science Lab
Magnet Science Lab
Plants Science Lab
Living Museum
Market Day
Life Cycles–Caterpillars
Making Oobleck
Chain Reaction Project (Rube Goldberg Inspired)
Space Suits Creation
Creating Sundials
Funk Heritage Museum
Tellus Museum
Force/Motion Science Lab
Matter Science Lab
Changes To the Earth Science Lab
Diamond Del Gem Mining
Building Solar Ovens
Native American Home Exploration
Habitat Dioramas
Pollution Solution Design Challenge
Trashion Show
Truist Park
Chattahoochee Nature Center
Fossils Science Lab
Heat Science Lab
Recycling Science Lab
Pioneer Day
Musical Instrument Project
Civil War Museum
American Revolution Project
Build Terrariums
Force & Motion Kickball
Economics Project
Atlanta History Museum
Roller Rink STEM Field Trip
Ecosystems Science Lab
Solar Systems Science Lab
Weather Instrument Science Lab
Mustang Market
Ellis Island Simulation
Cell Shrinky Dink
Building Lava Lamps
Sparky’s Light Kit
Communism vs Capitalism Simulation
Mercedes-Benz Stadium Field Trip
Rock Eagle Field Trip
Cells/Microscopes Science Lab
Sandy Beaches Lab
Rain Away Lab