Treasurer Information

Checks will be signed on Friday mornings and will be available for pick-up by Noon on Monday.  All check requests must be accompanied by ORIGINAL receipts. Submit check requests to the front bin on the door of the PTA office.


Please make sure that receipts are attached and all expenditures are in the budget before requesting a reimbursement. Forms and procedures are located below for downloading. If you have any questions, please contact Sarah Jones at or either of the co-presidents (Sara & Katie) at


Financial Procedures
Download a form with how to directions here.
MPEPTA Financial Procedures 2022-23.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 204.0 KB
Check Request Form
Download the form here- complete and submit to PTA treasurer. Return to the blue bin next to the front door of MPE or return to the PTA office for payment.
Check Request Document 2024.docx
Microsoft Word Document 14.4 KB
MPE PTA 2023-2024 Budget vs Actual as of 4/11/24
Income and Expense Compared to Annual Bu
Adobe Acrobat Document 43.7 KB